We have a duty to correct one another. But we must not commit a sin while doing so. We must...
Where there is no sacrifice, there cannot be love. Love grows only to the extent that we are willing to...
The fact that Peter received the power of the keys from Christ casting shadow to the power of the keys...
Today's readings centred on inclusiveness of all people in the family of God's people. The poor woman who dared the...
Susanna Wesley's prayer "Help me Lord, to remember that religion is not to be confined to the Church or closet,...
Wisdom is not the same thing as knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through hard work; wisdom is a gift of God....
The gospel of today shows the struggle of the wheat to survive in the midst of weeds. In the same...
Nothing is so strong as gentleness and nothing so gentle as real strength. It takes a strong, self-confident person to...
The Spirit of generosity calls for sensitivity on the side of the giver and the receiver as well. God is...
Today's readings center on confronting our fears with faith. The word fear appeared 366 times in the Bible to tell...